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श्रीविद्या बालक मंदिर प्रा. शाळा

Special Activities
When learning is fun, kids want to do it.
Science Exhibition

Science Exhibition is held at every year for 4th std . It is organised every year with a view to encourage and inculcate a scientific temper amongst students. The students showcase their talents in Science.
The Exhibition is a huge success. Enthusiasm and effervescence overflows among students, their teachers and parents!
Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by the teachers and the parents, the budding scientists of Shrividya display different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement.
Kitchen in Classroom

“Teaching children to cook at school is a recipe for self-respect”
Kids must be armed with kitchen skills to give them an alternative to fast food.When students are taught at an early age in school on how to cook, they develop the habit of preparing their own food even when they are at home.
When the schools teach how to cook, the concept of food to them changes and instead of perceiving it as a finished good, the students see each and every ingredient that is used to prepare a meal.
Here at Shrividya this activity is carried out for primary section in each month where students are taught like salad making, corn chat making , sandwich making, etc.
Kumarika Pujan & Matrupujan

Kumarika pujan is celebrated in every navrat in Shrividya. A kumarika symbolises Shakti in unmanifest form. The kumarika is worshiped and Worshipping a kumarika activates the Shakti present in her and helps attract the absolute Fire principle frequencies from the Universe.
Children perform “mathru” puja at Shrividya every year on LalitaPanchmi . As a part of ceremony, children perform a ritual to show their love and respect towards their mothers. The children are even taught about the benefits of giving due respects to their elders/parents by performing the “mathru” puja. The atmosphere becomes serene, spiritual and emotional.
Ganpati Making

The Shrividya school every year makes sure that they welcome their favourite Lord Ganesh in an eco-friendly manner. Students of std 4 are taught to make eco friendly ganesh idols under the guidance of their teacher.
It is really an exciting experience for the children to model and create beautiful idols of Lord Ganesh and then taking it home.

Student even realise the effort of the artisans and the sculptors for their tireless and painstaking efforts in creating these idols year after year, and we all must appreciate and respect them.
We encourage our students to play an active role in working with various aspects of nature.
Eco friendly Ganesha making is an activity to orient children to value and preserve nature as we are using medium which does not pollute water, and tap potential in the child in terms of child's interest in mud work or sculpture”.
Papaer Bag Making

Paper bags are gaining importance as these bags are 100% reusable, recyclable and biodegradable and at the same time environment friendly and pose less threat to wildlife. It requires less energy for paper bags to be recycled than plastic bags. Taking this into consideration Shrividya organises paper bag making event for students.
The purpose behind this activity is to encourage students as well as their parents to give up the use of polythene bags.
Each work here is a self-portrait of the child who has made it. They craft the handbags out of newspaper. They also use glitters, colour pencils, ribbons and stickers to decorate their artwork. Some even paint designs on the bags.

Learning Objective of this activity
To popularize paper bags and promote use of it
To encourage the students to make their own bags with used paper
To help greatly reduce plastic bags usage

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