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Guest Lecture

Experience is the teacher of all things.


Guest lecture have become an important part of the educational experience for students.

They expose students to real-world life experiences from the position of someone who has been there.

Students get to see the insight and perspective of the guest speaker’s particular field.

One important benefit that is derived from having a guest speaker is the enhancement of the students’ educational experience.

They essentially get a glimpse into the everyday life of the speaker, which they can’t get anywhere else. Another added benefit is the link that students get to make between what they learn in their textbooks and what they learn from the guest speaker.

 Guest lecture conducted in Shrividya

  • Jayashree Degave Madam delivered a speech on ‘Garbage Management .’ The speech  included some points on producing organic fertilizer

  • Mr. Korde had come to interact with the students. He narrated the story written by him

  • Chate Sir told some stories, he even gave some information about the planets

  • Mr. Pohnerkar Sir had come to teach maths. This activity was for Class 2

  • Mrs. Vaijanti Joshi taught a song in Sanskrit language, she even told some stories

  • Dolas Group  had organised Abhang spardha for std 1st to 4th

  • Mr. Dhananjay Joshi delivered a speech on how to take care of our teeth to students

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शाळेचा पत्ता

श्रीविद्या बालक मंदिर प्राथमिक शाळा,१५६, सुखशांती, उल्कानगरी, औरंगाबाद

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